- S.O.G.: The Book of Ward
- S.P.Y.S
- S.W.A.T.
- SA Country Hour
- SA Made Music
- SA Sports Show
- SA v Vic: A Game to Remember
- SA Variety Bash 2023
- SA Variety Bash 2024
- Saab Hasan: Chasing a Dream
- Sabata
- Sabrina
- SACBA Bilby Awards
- Sachie's Kitchen
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- Sacro GRA
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- Safe House
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- Sagrada Familia: Gaudi's Challenge
- Sahara
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- SailGP
- SailGP Highlights
- SailGP Racing
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- Sailor Moon Crystal
- Sailor Moon Crystal
- Sailors 3
- Saint Maud
- Saint Omer
- SALA Slide Night 2024
- Sally & Possum
- Salome, Where She Danced
- Salt Joy
- Saltimbanco to Luzia - 25 Years of Cirque Du Soleil in Australia
- Salute
- Salvage Hunters
- Salvage Hunters: Classic Cars
- Salvation Boulevard
- Salvo
- Sam & Cat
- Sam Churchill: Search for a Homeless Man
- Sam Cooke: Legend
- Sam Taunton - Rooster
- Sam Watson: The Street Fighting Years
- Samantha Who?
- Same but Different
- Sammy By Sammy: My Tale of the 60s
- Sammy J: Symphony in J Minor
- Samoan
- Samson & Delilah
- Samson and the Seven Miracles of the World
- San Andreas
- San Demetrio, London
- Sandi's Wood
- Sanditon
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- Sanjay and Craig
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- Santa Fe Trail
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- Santo in the Wax Museum
- Santo vs. the Martian Invasion
- Santos: 70 Years Strong
- Saraband for Dead Lovers
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- Sara's Istanbul Delights
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- SAS Rogue Heroes
- SAS: Rogue Heroes
- SAS: Who Dares Wins
- Satellite Boy
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- Saturday Breakfast with Simon Marnie
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- Saving the Manor
- Saving Venice
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- Say Yes to the Nest
- Saya Sakakibara: Don't Back Down
- Sayonara
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- School of Rock
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- Science Friction: Hello AI Overlords with James Purtill
- Science Max: Experiments at Large
- Science Of Drugs With Richard Roxburgh
- Science with Dr Karl
- ScienceXplosion
- SciGirls
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- Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
- Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?
- Scorpion
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- Scotland: A Wild Year
- Scotland: Escape to the Wilderness
- Scotland: Rome's Final Frontier
- Scotland: The New Wild
- Scotland's Home of the Year
- Scotland's Poshest Train with Alan Cumming
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- Scotland's Scenic Railways
- Scott of the Antarctic
- Scottish Islands with Ben Fogle
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- Scott's Own Vacation House
- Scott's Vacation House Rules
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- Scream Street
- Scream VI
- Screen Sounds with Dan Golding
- Scrooge
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- Sea Lions: Life by a Whisker
- Sea Of Suspicion
- SEAL Team
- Sealink Carols by Candlelight 2023
- Sean's Kitchen
- Search4hurt
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- Searching
- Searching for Cleopatra
- Searching for Justice: Life After Lockup
- Searching for Masculinity
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- Seaway
- Seberg
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- Seconds From Death: Caught on Camera
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- Secret France with Dick and Angel
- Secret Headquarters
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- Secret Lives of the Roman Emperors with Mary Beard
- Secret Mission
- Secret Name
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- Secret Science
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- Secretary
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- Secrets of Playboy
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- Secrets of Skin
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- Secrets of the Chippendales Murders
- Secrets of the Female Orgasm
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- Secrets of the Lost Liners
- Secrets Of The Luxury Super Yachts
- Secrets Of The Museum
- Secrets of the National Trust With Alan Titchmarsh
- Secrets of the Pyramids
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- Secrets of the Royal Palaces
- Secrets of the Royal Palaces
- Secrets of the Royal Palaces
- Secrets of the Royals
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- Secrets of the Supercars
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- See What You Made Me Do Forum
- Seed
- Seeds: Planting Hope Through Education
- Seeking Fire
- Seeking Refuge
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- Selena + Chef
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- Selma
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- Serial Killer Capital: Baton Rouge
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- Serviced
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- Sesame Street: 50 Years of Sunny Days
- Seven
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- Seven Local News
- Seven Local News
- Seven Local News
- Seven Local News
- Seven Local News
- Seven Local News
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- Seven News
- Seven News
- Seven News
- Seven News
- Seven News
- Seven News - Year in Review
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- Seven News at 4
- Seven News at 4
- Seven News at 4
- Seven News at 4
- Seven News at 4.30
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- Seven News Special
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- Sex Unlimited
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- Sex With Sunny Megatron
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- Sex, Lies and the College Cult
- Sex, Lies, and Videotape
- Sex. Right. Now
- SEX: A Bonkers History
- Sexual Drive
- Shackleton's Endurance: The Lost Ice Ship Found
- Shadow
- Shadow in the Cloud
- Shadowplay
- Shadows
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- Shaft
- Shahs of Sunset
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- Shakespeare and Hathaway: Private Investigators
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- Shakespeare: Rise of a Genius
- Shallow Hal
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- Shame
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- Shane Smith Has Questions
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- Shanghai Knights
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- Shark Tale
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- Shark Tank
- Shark-Croc Showdown
- Sharkwrecked: Crash Landing
- Sharri
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- Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell
- Shaun Micallef's On the Sauce
- Shaun Micallef's Origin Odyssey
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- Shaun the Sheep Championsheeps
- Shaun the Sheep Movie
- Shaun the Sheep: Adventures from Mossy Bottom
- Shazam!
- She Who Must Be Loved
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- Sherlock Holmes
- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
- Sherpa
- Sherri Papini: Lies, Lies and More Lies
- Sherwood
- Sheryl
- She's All That
- She's the Man
- Shetland
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- Shift - Living in the Digital Age
- Shine
- Shine a Light
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- Shirley
- Shiva Baby
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- Shock Wave
- Shocking Emergency Calls
- Shooting Cats: Australia's War On Feral Cats
- Shoresy
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- Short Cuts to Glory: Matt Okine vs Food
- short.fast.loud with Emmy Mack
- short.fast.loud with Josh Merriel
- Shortland Street
- Shorts
- Shots Fired
- Show Dogs
- Show Me the Father
- Shrek 2
- Shrill
- Shute Shield
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- Sicario
- Sicario: Day of the Soldado
- Sid and Nancy
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- Sidelined: Women in Basketball
- Sidelines
- Signed, Theo Schoon
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- Significant Others
- Signora Volpe
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- Silent Witness
- Silk Road From Above
- Silver Linings Playbook
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- Simply Giada
- Simply Nigella
- Simply Raymond Blanc
- Simulcast: CNN Presidential Debate
- Sin City
- Sin City Murders
- Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
- Sin Takes a Holiday
- Sincerely, Truly Christmas
- Sincerely, Yours, Truly
- Sing
- Sing 2
- Sing About This Country
- Sing Along
- Sing ST. Patrick
- Sing Street
- Sing to Remember: Defying Dementia
- Sing, Freetown
- Singfest: The Literacy Of Music
- Singin' in the Rain
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- Sinister Sorority
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- Sir Hubert Wilkins Oration
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- Sissi
- Sissi - The Fateful Years (Part 3)
- Sister Act
- Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit
- Sister Boniface Mysteries
- Sister Song
- Sisters
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- Sisters on the Run
- Sitting Bull
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- Ski Rescue Downunder
- Skies of Lebanon
- Skin
- Skin: A History of Nudity in the Movies
- Skippy
- Skiptrace
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- Sky High
- Sky News Breakfast
- Sky News Breakfast
- Skyfall
- Skyscraper
- Slam
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- Sleeping With Death
- Sleeping With the Enemy
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- Slovenian
- Slow Train Through Africa with Griff Rhys Jones
- Sltv
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- Slugterra
- Slugterra Ascension
- Slugterra: Ascension
- Slugterra: Return of the Elementals
- SlugTerra: Return of the Elementals
- Slugterra: Slug Fu Showdown
- Slumdog Millionaire
- Slutever
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- Small Hands In A Big War
- Small Town Killers
- Smallfoot
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- Smart Secrets of Great Paintings
- Smash
- Smashhdown!
- Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman
- Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Smile
- Smoke and Steel: The Modern World
- Smoke Signals
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- Smokey and the Bandit II
- Smother
- Smurfs: The Lost Village
- Snake Eyes
- Snake Eyes
- Snap Happy
- Snapped
- Snapped: Killer Couples
- Snap's Kakadu Club
- Snatch
- Snatched
- Sniper: The White Raven
- Snitch
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- Snowball
- Snowbeast
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- Snowed in for Christmas
- Snowkissed
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- So Awkward Files
- So Close
- So Help Me Todd
- So Little Time
- So Long, Marianne
- So You Want To Be A Designer?
- Soccer
- Soccer
- Socceroos Preview
- Socceroos: Preview Show
- Social Media Me
- Social Media Murders
- Softball
- Softball South Australia
- Softball Sunshine U21 Classic
- Soh Presents: Generations and Dynasties
- Soham: Catching a Killer
- Sol
- Solar System
- Sold Out
- Sold Out: Ticketmaster and the Resale Racket
- Soldiers
- Sollers Point
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- Somali News
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- Some Will, Some Won't
- Something Borrowed
- Something in the Air
- Something of the Times
- Something to Sing About
- Something Undone
- Something's Gotta Give
- Sometimes Always Never
- Somewhere Boy
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- Son of Kong
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- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
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- Sons of Namatjira
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- Sophie's Choice
- Sorority Surrogate
- Sorry We Missed You
- Sort Your Life Out
- soul ctrl
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- Soul Search with Dr Meredith Lake
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- Sounds of Solidarity
- Soundtrack Sessions
- Soundtrack To Our Teenage Zombie Apocalypse
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- South Australia's History Festival
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- Space Jam: A New Legacy
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- Spacewalk
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- Spanish Affair
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- Spanish News
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- Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea
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- Speaking Out
- Spear
- Special : RV Chairman Tim Eddy
- Special Features with Genevieve Lang
- Special Forces
- Specially for Me
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- Species II
- Spectre
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- Speechless
- Speed
- Speed 2: Cruise Control
- Speed Kills
- SpeedSeries
- Speedway
- Speedweek
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- Spencer's BIG 30
- Spencer's BIG Holiday
- Spencer's Holiday BBQ
- Spent
- Spice Girls: how girl power changed the world
- Spice of Life
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- Spicks and Specks: AusMusic Special
- Spider
- Spider
- Spider Baby
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- Spider-Man 2
- Spider-Man 3
- Spider-Man: Far From Home
- Spider-Man: Homecoming
- Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
- Spider-Man: No Way Home
- Spiders
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- Spies in the Outback
- Spike Milligan: The Unseen Archive
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- Spin Me Round
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- Spiraling
- Spirit of Life
- Spirit Riding Free
- Spirit Riding Free: Pony Tales
- Spirit Riding Free: Riding Academy
- Spirit Talker
- Spirit to Soar
- Spitfire
- Spitfire
- Splendour in the Grass 2018
- Splendour in the Grass After Party
- Splice Here: A Projected Odyssey
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Spongo, Fuzz and Jalapena
- Spookiz
- Spookiz
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- Spooky Files
- Spooky Files
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- Sports Talk with Mitch Turner
- Sports Woman
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- Spotlight on Road Safety
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- Spring in Park Lane
- Sputnik
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- Spy Game
- Spy Kids
- Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams
- Spy Kids 3: Game Over
- Squash
- Squizzy Taylor
- Sri Lanka Morning New Year Festival
- Sri Lanka Morning Show
- Sri Lankan Sinhalese News
- St Arnaud - A Day at the Races
- St James's Palace: The Secret Royal Residence
- St John Ambulance Carols By Candlelight
- St John Drive-a-thon
- St. Benny the Dip
- St. Denis Medical
- St. Elmo's Fire
- St. Vincent
- Stable: The Boxing Game
- Stacey Dooley
- Stacey Dooley Investigates
- Stacey Dooley on the Psych Ward
- Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over
- Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over USA
- Stacey Dooley: Inside the Undertakers
- Stacey Dooley: Kids Selling Drugs Online
- Stacey Dooley: Locked Up With The Lifers
- Stacey Dooley: Ready for War?
- Stackorama!
- Stage Door
- Stage Mother
- Staged
- Stairs
- Stairs
- Stalingrad
- Stan & Ollie
- Stan Grant's One Plus One
- Stan Lee's Lucky Man
- Stand by Me
- Stand Up and Be Counted: NAIDOC Concert
- Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy
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- Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
- Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning
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- Stardust
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- Stargate: Continuum
- Stargate: The Ark of Truth
- Stargazing: Moon and Beyond
- Stars at Noon
- Starship Troopers
- Starsky & Hutch
- Starstruck
- Starting Up, Starting Over
- Stasi: a state against its people
- State Funeral For William Hayden
- State Memorial for Barry Humphries
- State Memorial Service For Uncle Archie Roach
- State of Origin
- State of Origin
- State of Origin Post-Match
- State of Origin Pre-Game
- State of Origin Preview
- State of the Union
- State of the Union
- State Secret
- Stateline
- States of Undress
- Statewide Drive
- Station Close
- Station Six-Sahara
- Statue Wars: One Summer in Bristol
- Stay
- Stay At Home Animal Dads
- Stay or Sell
- Stay Tooned
- Steam Train Britain
- Steamboy
- Steel Magnolias
- Steeltown Murders
- Step
- Step Brothers
- Step Outside with Paul Burt
- Step Up to the Plate
- Steph and Dom's One Star to Five Star
- Stephen Fry: Willem and Frieda: Defying the Nazis
- Steppin' Into the Holiday
- Stepping Out
- Steps of Freedom: The Story of Irish Dance
- Steptoe and Son
- Steptoe and Son Ride Again
- Steve Backshall vs The Vertical Mile
- Steve Price
- Steven Raichlen's Planet Barbecue
- Steven Raichlen's Project Fire
- Sticks and Stones - Unmasking the Truth of Cyberbullying
- Stigmata
- STIHL Timbersports Australia
- Still Frothin'
- Still Human
- Still Life
- Still Standing
- Still Standing
- Still We Rise
- Stingray
- Stir It Up with Sarah Howells
- Stobe Pole Documentary
- Stock Aitken Waterman: Legends of Pop
- Stockholm
- Stockman's Strategy
- Stolen Generations
- Stolen: Catching the Art Thieves
- Stompem Ground 2022 Full Concert
- Stompem Ground: King of Hearts
- Stompem Ground: Seaside Drifters
- Stone Age
- Stone Cold Takes on America
- Stone House Revival
- Stonehenge: The Lost Circle Revealed
- Stop Everything with Benjamin Law
- Stop the Wedding
- Stop. Rewind. Play.
- Stopping The Steal
- Storage Wars
- Storage Wars New York
- Storage Wars Texas
- Storage Wars: Barry's Best Buys
- Storage Wars: Miami
- Stories From the Land
- Stories from The Pacific
- Stories of Power
- Storks
- Storm Boy
- Storm Chasers
- Storm Rising
- Stormy
- Story of a Girl
- Story Time
- Straight Forward
- Strait to the Plate
- Strange Bedfellows
- Strange Holiday
- Strange Illusion
- Strange Invaders
- Strangerland
- Strangers Making Babies
- Street Food Nomad: Kolkata
- Street Outlaws
- Street Outlaws
- Street Outlaws vs. the World
- Street Outlaws: Farmtruck & AZN Down Under
- Street Outlaws: Fastest in America
- Street Outlaws: Gone Girl
- Street Outlaws: Locals Only
- Street Outlaws: Memphis
- Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings
- Street Science
- Streets of Colour
- Streets of New York
- Stretch & Yawn
- Striking Poses
- Stripes
- Structures Of Marvel: Medieval Paris
- Stuart Little
- Stuart Little 2
- Stuber
- Stuck
- Stuck in Love
- Stuck in the Suez
- Student Athlete
- Student Seduction
- Studio 10
- Studio 10: Saturday
- Studio 10: Sunday
- Studs
- Stuff the British Stole
- Stuff the British Stole
- Stunts
- Stuntwomen: The Untold Hollywood Story
- Style It Out
- Styx
- Subject
- Subjects of Desire
- Suburban Mayhem
- Suburbicon
- Suburra
- Such Was Life
- Sudden Fear
- Sudden Impact
- Suddenly
- Suddenly 30
- Sue Perkins' Big Adventure: Paris to Istanbul
- Sue Perkins' Big American Road Trip
- Sue Perkins: Along The US-Mexico Border
- Sue Perkins: Lost In Thailand
- Suffragette
- Sugar Babies
- Suicidal: In Our Own Words
- Suicide Squad
- Suka
- Sully
- Summer '03
- Summer Holiday
- Summer House
- Summer House Party
- Summer House: Martha's Vineyard
- Summer Love
- Summer Memories
- Summer Memories
- Summer Mix
- Summer of 85
- Summer Qamp
- Summer Sing Along
- Summer with James Valentine
- Summerland
- Summertime
- Sun Children
- Sun, Sea and Surgery
- Sunday Afternoon
- Sunday Afternoon with Alice Keath
- Sunday Agenda
- Sunday Agenda
- Sunday Morning with Peter Goers
- Sunday Mornings with Kate O'Toole
- Sunday Night J-Rock
- Sunday Opera with Fiona Campbell
- Sunday Opera with Mairi Nicolson
- Sunday Sesh
- Sunday Too Far Away
- Sunday with Stoker
- Sundays
- Sundays with Lisa Leong
- Sundown
- Sundown
- Sunflower
- Sunny
- Sunny Bunnies
- Sunnyside
- Sunraysia Safari
- Sunraysia Safari 2023
- Sunraysia Safari 2024
- Sunrise
- Sunrise 5AM News
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- Sunset Stories
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- Super Bowl LVIII
- Super Happy Magic Forest
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- Super Maximum Retro Show
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- Super Rugby Pacific
- Super Rugby Pacific
- Super Rugby Pacific Post-match
- Super Rugby Pacific Pre-match
- Super Rugby Post Show
- Super Surf Teams League
- Super Troopers 2
- Super W
- Superbad
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- Supercars Championship
- Supercars Championship
- Supercars E-Series
- Supercars Highlights
- Supergirl
- Superintelligence
- Superman III
- Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
- Superman Returns
- Superman: The Movie
- Supernatural Academy
- Supernoobs
- Supernova
- Superpower
- Superpower India? Booming Bangalore
- Superpower India? Challenges of Urbanisation
- Supersize My Pool
- Supertato
- Supertunnels
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- Support Your Local Gunfighter
- Supremacy
- Supreme Team
- Surf Boat Tsunami
- Surf Life Saving
- Surf Patrol
- Surfing
- Surfing
- Surfing Australia TV
- Surf's Up
- Surrogates
- Surveillance Oz
- Surveillance Oz: Australia's Dumbest
- Surveillance Oz: Crazy Carpark Capers
- Surveillance Oz: Dashcam
- Surviving
- Surviving a Serial Killer
- Surviving Extinction
- Surviving Nova
- Surviving the Stone Age
- Surviving the Virus: My Brother & Me
- Survivor
- Survivor
- Survivor
- Survivors: The Royal Family Fights Back
- Susan Calman's Grand Days Out
- Susan Calman's Grand Week by the Sea
- Suspect
- Suspect
- Swahili
- Swallows and Amazons
- Swallows and Amazons
- Swamp People
- Swamp People: Serpent Invasion
- Swamp Women
- Swan Song
- Sweeney 2
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
- Sweeney!
- Sweet As
- Sweet Autumn
- Sweet Home Alabama
- Sweet Navidad
- Sweet November
- Swept Up by Christmas
- Swift Street
- Swimming
- Swimming
- Swing High, Swing Low
- Swing Hostess
- Swing Parade of 1946
- Swingers
- Switched Before Birth
- Sword of Lancelot
- Swordfish
- Sydney Breakfast
- Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras 2023
- Sydney Gay And Lesbian Mardi Gras 2024
- Sydney Marathon
- Sydney Symphony Orchestra Live Gala
- Sydney Weekender
- Sydney WorldPride Opening Concert
- Symo & Rose
- Symon's Dinners Cooking Out
- Synchronic
- Syria Prison Break
- Syriana
- System Shock: How the MP3 Changed Music